Designing Your 90-Day Future Self: A Step-by-Step Process

Hey Reader!

Hope you’ve had a good week.

This week I started doing a bit of digital maintenance that I hope makes for a much improved experience for you.

I’m a little late with the newsletter I promised from last week, and I thank you for your patience.

Last week you considered a question:
What would you change about your life in the next 90 days?

This edition newsletter is all about becoming that person through day-to-day actions, behaviors, and mindset.

If you haven’t already, break down that ideal Future Self 90 days from now into a couple of areas.

In this example, my ideal future self was to take care of my body so I could have the physical stamina to say, “Let me help you with...” to loved ones who needed help, and then to have the energy to follow through.

On April 21, I achieved 31 days of moving my body at least 10 minutes a day.
Most importantly, I’ve had the energy, strength, and stamina to have been helpful. I’m so grateful.

You can do this, too.

Design your Future Self daily message.

Your self-messaging structure has 3 parts:

Affirmation: A statement about the 90-day Future Self you designed.

Morning intention prompt: How will you take a small step toward your desired identity?

Evening intention Review: What have your results been today? What have you learned?

2 important notes:
Thing 1: This self-messaging set was for a 6-week sprint.
Thing 2: I referred to this document no more than 3 days per week. No perfection required!

Ask Chat GPT for help.

If you’re having trouble framing your affirmation and your intention queries, Chat GPT will help.

It won’t do all the work, but Chat GPT is a valuable jumping off point to customize your self-messaging stack.

Step 1: Copy and paste this exact information into a chat window.

In a moment, I am going to give you a list of (no more than 3) areas in my life I want to improve over the next 90 days, and I'd like you to provide me with three things in each area:

  1. A daily intention affirmation
  2. A daily intention question
  3. A daily intention review

Can you do that for me?

Step 2: Provide Chat GPT with a list of areas you want to work on.

Refer back to who you want to become during the next 90 days.

For me, the areas in the example above centered on a commitment to simple, daily exercise routine for a “beginner.”

I wish I could share the chat conversation I used for this step but I didn’t save it. 🤦

Step 3: Select and tweak Chat GPT outputs.

The response you receive gives you enough options to make the rest of your work pretty simple.

Mix and match the options provided to you, and wordsmith here and there to give you a realistic 90-day Future Self target.

If you give this a try, let me know.

And, if you get stuck with finalizing what Chat GPT gives you, shoot me an email. I'll help!


Tracy Winchell

I use Future Self Journaling and AI to help you unlock your full potential and achieve lasting transformation ✨ | PKM | Age 50+ ADHD | Empowering individuals to create their best future selves | Ghostwriter | 🚢 Ship 30

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